Testabol Propionate

Testabol Propionate

32.00 USD

For Intramuscular Injection
Composition: Testosterone Propionate
Dosage: 100 mg/1 mL
Unit: 10 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Shipping From:
U.S. Domestic

Testabol Propionate Detailed

Name: Testabol Propionate
Other common names and terms: Pharma Test P, Testos-P,Testoxyl, Testoviron, Testodex, Viromone, Testpronate, Testoprogen, Testosterona, TestoRapid, TestoPro, Propionat, Prop, Propioplex, Testovis, Propitrex, Anatest, TestP, Test Prop, Propionate, Viro-Prop, Virormone
Active Life: 1-1.5 Days
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Detection Time: 2 Weeks
Chemical Structure: (17ΠžΠ†)-3-Oxoandrost-4-en-17-yl propanoate
Common Doses: 300-700 mg/week
Blood pressure: No
Acne: Yes
Water retention: Low
Aromatisation: Yes
Liver toxicity: No
Decrease HPTA function: Severe

This highly effective steroid is a testosterone ester with a half-life of about 48 hours. Testosterone propionate in the form of an oil solution for injections is presented on the domestic market by a renowned manufacturer British Dragon Pharma. It allows bodybuilders and athletes who are professionally involved in sports to reach many goals. Can be used by beginners. Only women are not recommended using it.

Main Effects

Unlike enanthate, cypionate and other testosterone esters, Testabol propionate has a faster activation and elimination from the body. For the rest of the characteristics, they are the same as for other testosterones.

Those who decide to buy Testabol propionate in the USA, can count on an effective increase in solid muscles with a slight muscle loss after the end of the cycle, a pronounced increase in several times of physical strength and endurance, the ability to recover well between workouts, reducing the load on one's own ligaments and joints. Another effect after the cycle of propionate and during it consists in the appearance of a beautiful and desirable muscle shape for everyone, burning unnecessary fat, painlessness of injections, reducing the load on the heart, improving the mental tone and general mood of the athlete, and such pleasant bonuses for every man as an increase libido and increased erection.

Testabol Propionate Cycle

The solo cycle for beginners involves the use of this steroid in an amount of 150 - 300 mg per week. In this case, it is possible to monitor the reaction of the body and make appropriate adjustments along the way. The effective working dosage is determined on an individual basis at the rate of 150-1000 mg per week. The duration of each cycle is determined by the athlete together with the doctor, taking into account many factors. PCT begins 3 to 4 days after the last injection. For recovery, Tamoxifen and Clomiphene are suitable. The first one cannot be used in the case of a combined cycle using an agent based on Decabol or Durabol.

Such well-known anabolics as Turanabol, Stanabol, Methanabol, Primobol, Trenabol Depot and even Testabol enanthate are normally combined with this steroidal drug. Running out a cycle in order to increase the general muscles, most often it is uses a stack with Decabol. To obtain a good anabolic background during cutting, it is advised to use oral steroids, which have a mild effect. A properly selected sports nutrition and a balanced daily diet on the cycle will help to achieve the maximum positive effect.

Side Effects

Taking this drug in excessive dosages can lead to the phenomenon of gynecomastia. Its prevention will be to use Anastrozole. Injecting too often can lead to the accumulation of unwanted water in the body, which in turn will increase normal blood pressure and affect your well-being. With proper use of British Dragon Pharma's Testabol propionate athletes manage to avoid unwanted manifestations from the body.


Testabol Propionate Reviews
Nov 26, 2021 (04:58)

Product is equal if not better than pharm grade I know cause I'm on TRT from Balkan pharm and this stuff has no pip and very clean

Sep 29, 2021 (09:46)

I'm a big fan a prop and I must say this is some of the best I've had. I was pinning 150mg eod for the last 8 weeks of my last cycle. I used a different brand first 4 weeks and within 7 days of pinning british dragon test p I could tell a big difference. I was waking up every morning with a hard on and had a overall since of well-being. My skin was always a little oily and I broke out on my shoulder area. In the 8 weeks I ran it I gained 20 pounds on my max rep weight and I went from 226 to 237. BD has been easy to deal with and I would definitely recommend their prop!

Sep 1, 2021 (05:11)

Very little pip to my surprise, kicked in after the first week. Great strength gains, weight jumped 10 lbs after 3 weeks, will use to kick start again.

Aug 30, 2021 (12:43)

I've been running his prop for 4 weeks now and really love it. I'm running low dose test so I was pinning 50mg ed. With his product all I have to inject is 0.3ml which is great. I have absolutely no pip and the bottle lasts me a little longer than regular 100mgs. I started feeling it by the end if 2 week. My skin is oily, libido like crazy and have a great pump at the gym. I have gained nice and lean 3lbs and all the lifts are up. Loving it and will continue to use it. I also want to give a run on some other products he is carrying.

Excellent src with some good and unique products.

Aug 25, 2021 (01:38)

I recently used the BD test prop 100 as a jump start to a recent cycle. 100mg ED for 10 days. Within a couple days my aggression, strength and libido went up (drastically! ) also increase in back acne.

Aug 18, 2021 (09:28)

I took the test-p I place of some that I already was taking. Unfortunately I didn't have more of this one on hand. It was way better than the propionate I purchased else where. I could feel the difference I. The quality off the few I had.

Aug 14, 2021 (05:13)

I love tbol, especially BD's, it is for sure the real deal, great pumps and its most def. improving my cycle.

Aug 11, 2021 (06:23)

Honestly, probably the best, and smoothest prop I have ever taken, I think I'm in love. Libido is up, strength is up, weight is up, whats better?

Apr 21, 2021 (12:52)

Started the Test Prop at 200mg EOD. I normally have at least little pip from prop regardless of the quality, but BD prop gave me ZERO pip it was so great. When I pinned Test Prop, I broke the plateau within a week. I had some noticeable strength gains. My endurance increased a bit which enabled me to add about 15 minutes to my routine, and I was able to tighten up my physique a bit more too. Dropped about an additional .5%bf

Apr 16, 2021 (13:27)

I take 1ml of a Test P eod for almost 8 weeks now, after 1 hours of the injection I noticed very high libido this is a reason according to my body that the Test is legit and sure overdose .

During the first week i saw my strength increase very fast and my back began more oily .

I hate when I pin eod tho have a PIP, but with this Test P , I did not notice any PIP .

I will make my new order soon!

Mar 1, 2021 (04:49)

I take 1ml of a Test P eod for almost 8 weeks now, after 1 hours of the injection I noticed very high libido this is a reason according to my body that the Test is legit and sure overdose .

During the first week i saw my strength increase very fast and my back began more oily .

I hate when I pin eod tho have a PIP, but with this Test P , I did not notice any PIP .

I will make my new order soon

Feb 17, 2021 (03:52)

Ok started test prop to Kickstart my cycle used 600 mg a week for the first 4 weeks. Felt effect after 2 shots, crazy boners trough the day, wanting to make love to everything, aggression in the gym was going up day by day and nice sense of wellbeing, this the only prop I use cause me been sensible to the prop ester, been in mct makes painless.

Feb 12, 2021 (05:51)

Front loaded 200mg of BD Test Prop and continued 700mg a week. Today I upped it too 1050mg a week. There is absolutely no pip with the prop. All vials are totally legit.

Feb 8, 2021 (07:52)

Ran BD Test Prop for 12 weeks and was amazed at the quality. Great strength gains and great gains all the way around.

Feb 3, 2021 (07:17)

I have been on the the prop for about 3 weeks. And im loving it. Its my first time using BD oil and all is good. All the great things we love about test are present. HUGE increase in libido, increased drive energy, great sleep and just the great well being feeling that good test brings.

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