For Oral Administration
Composition: 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone
Dosage: 10 mg/tablet
Unit: 100 Tablets
Manufactured by British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Name: Turanabol Tablets
Other common names and terms: Turinabol, Turanaplex,Turanaxyl, Turanabolic, Veyron Pharma T.B 0.10, Tubol 10, LIXUS T-Bol, Turinadex, Turanabol, Turinabolo, Turanabol 10MG, Oral Turinabol
Active Life: 16 Hours
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Detection Time: 12 Months
Chemical Structure: 4-chloro-17b-hydroxy-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-dien-3-one
Common Doses: 20-50 mg/day
Blood pressure: Perhaps
Acne: Yes
Water retention: Low
Aromatisation: No
Liver toxicity: Yes
Decrease HPTA function: Low
Buying Turanabol from British Dragon Pharma is ideal for novice bodybuilders. This drug is actively used by professionals. The steroid not only contributes to gaining quality mass, but also allows you to increase strength and endurance.
The main active ingredient of this drug is 4-chlorodehydromethyltestsoterone. Its properties are very similar to Methandienone, but at the same time it has a serious difference - there is no tendency to aromatisation. As a result, this drug shows itself perfectly both during the period of weight gain and during cutting cycles.
Created in the sixties, Turanabol continues to enjoy great popularity today. In bodybuilding, it is used by athletes of all skill levels. Novice athletes often use it for their first cycle.
The following are the effects an athlete can expect after taking Turanabol:
When deciding to buy Turanabol in the USA, the athlete should be aware of the possible side effects. Although this drug is considered safe, the negative effects on the body cannot be completely ruled out. First, this concerns the use of daily dosages exceeding 80 milligrams. It is possible to guarantee the absence of estrogenic side effects on the cycle, and the risks of androgenic manifestations are low, because the indicator of the corresponding activity of the drug is low.
Today it is easy to order Turanabol online at our store, but novice athletes need to know the rules for taking it. Only in this case, the drug will show all its positive properties and will not cause a development of side effects. The daily dosage ranges from 40 to 60 milligrams. For bodybuilders, it makes no sense to use this drug in large quantities. The cycle lasts from six to eight weeks. When it comes to a solo cycle, there is no need to use additional drugs.
Despite the fact that this is one of the safest AAS, after completing the cycle, be sure to perform PCT. At this time, bodybuilders use Clomiphene or Tamoxifen. However, the second antiestrogen should not be used after Trenabol Depot and Decabol cycles. It should be admitted that most athletes are interested precisely in the issues of joint use of various steroids. After running several solo cycles, they can no longer give the same results. This is what prompts athletes to switch to the combined use of AAS.
There are many options here. One of the most popular stacks is Turanabol + Testabol Propionate. This cycle is designed for gaining good quality mass, improving body constitution and increasing strength parameters. The daily dosage of Turanabol is between 30 and 40 milligrams. Testabol Propionate is injected every 2nd day at 100 milligrams. The cycle duration is 6-8 weeks and after its completion, PCT should start.
If you add a long ester of testosterone to Turanabol, for example, Testabol Enanthate, then it will be possible to gain more muscle mass and at the same time improve its quality. Turanabol dosage remains the same. Testabol Enanthate is injected once a week at 250-500 milligrams. If in the first case, PCT can begin within 3-4 days from the moment of the last injection, then in the second it is necessary to wait 10-14 days.
Experienced athletes, after completing the use of prolonged AAS before the start of PCT, take Stanabol to minimize muscle loss and further improve the quality of the obtained results. Turanabol works well with any steroid, except tablets. All of these drugs have some hepatotoxicity, and their simultaneous use can overload the liver.
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Aug 22, 2021 (05:30)
Kicked the last cycle with Tbol. Its a favorite of mine. Used 70mg per day for 4 weeks and the strength gains were good but the pumps were even better. After arms, shoulders or chest I felt like the damn hulk! I notice BD's kicked a little faster than the UGL Tbol I am used to. One neg was the painful back pumps on back days.... even with taurine supplements. Excellent oral to kick with though, i will drop to 50mg to see effect next time.