Trenabol Depot 200

Trenabol Depot 200

For Intramuscular Injection
Composition: Trenbolone Enanthate
Dosage: 200 mg/1 mL
Unit: 10 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

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Trenabol Depot 200 Detailed

Name: Trenabol Depot 200
Other common names and terms: Tren,Trenboxyl, Trinaxyl, Tren E, Trenoid, Tranabol, Finarex Depot, Trenaplex, Trenabol Depot, Tritren, Trenatrex, Pharma Tren E, Trebol, Trenoid, Trenodex, Fina
Active Life: 5 Days
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester; Progestogen
Detection Time: 4-5 Months
Chemical Structure: (17ΠžΠ†)-3-Oxoestra-4,9,11-trien-17-yl heptanoate
Common Doses: 75-100 mg/week
Blood pressure: Perhaps
Acne: Rarely
Water retention: Yes
Aromatisation: No
Liver toxicity: Yes
Decrease HPTA function: Severe

This injectable steroid, the active ingredient of which is an ester of trenbolone enanthate, has pronounced anabolic properties and is rightfully considered the best ester of this enanthate in terms of quality. Initially, this drug was tested on animals in order to improve their appetite and build muscle. Later, the steroid took a worthy niche in the sports field and is used in various sports to increase physical strength, endurance and speed. Trenabol Depot will help everyone to get hard and dense muscle fibers, as a result of which you will have amazing shape. The drug has gained particular popularity among bodybuilders. Why is it so good?

Main Effects

The form of Trenbolone enanthate is somewhat reminiscent of cyclohexylmethyl carbonate. The steroid binding capacity exceeds that of testosterone by as much as five times. The period of active exposure is about 10 days. Up to 5 months can be detected in the blood during laboratory tests. Trenbolone enanthate has no estrogenic activity, is not subject to conversion under the influence of aromatase. Therefore, athletes who decide to buy Trenabol Depot from British Dragon Pharma in the USA will not accumulate excess water and will not have such an unpleasant side effect as gynecomastia.

The effect after the cycle and during it consists in a significant increase in muscles (up to 10 kg per course), reduction of fat cells (it is better due to the stimulation of the production of a special growth hormone), an increase in insulin-like growth factor several times, a decrease in the number of cortisone in the body, an increase in the level libido. After the end of the cycle, there is a decrease in the production of the body's own testosterone.

There are many downsides to using this steroid as a first cycle for beginners. The drug is considered strong and not suitable for the first time user, it is much more correct to consider Turanabol, which has no side effects.

Trenabol Depot Cycle

Experts and pros do not advise novice athletes and women to use this drug. For the rest, it is better to start with 100 mg, gradually bringing the dosage to the recommended 200 mg per week. To obtain a good effect, you need to divide the weekly amount of the drug into 2-4 parts. The standard solo cycle is 4 to 8 weeks. If the intake lasts longer than 5 weeks, it is required to inject gonadotropin from the second week by 500 - 1000 IUs. Its use continues for several weeks after the last injection of Trenabol Depot. PCT begins 2 weeks later, when the cycle is over. Do not use Tamoxifen, which can enhance the progestin-only effects of this steroid. It is advised to purchase Clomiphene and Tribulus. Boosters are designed to restore normal testosterone production in 3-4 weeks.

To build muscle, combinations are not needed, since this drug does an excellent job with the task on its own. But for good cutting of the body, we can recommend its combination with Stanabol or Oxanabol. This cycle does not exceed 8 weeks, steroids are taken in half dosages. Pros prefer to use Trenabol Depot in combination with Testabol Enanthate or Decabol. On an individual basis, such mass-building cycles can last up to 15 weeks. But it is rarely possible to avoid the appearance of side effects.

Side Effects

It can provoke a decrease in libido or testicular atrophy, inhibition of the body's production on a testosterone cycle. Prophylaxis is most often carried out with gonadotropin and cabergoline. Occasionally, such side effects as acne, oily skin, hair loss on the head are observed. Staining on a course of urine in a red tint is just the removal of metabolites, and not a sign of impaired renal function.

Trenabol Depot 200 Reviews
Aug 23, 2022 (13:53)

Been running the Tren E over a month now, pinning 1ml every day, alongside test at around 200/w. Recomp is great, hardness and vascularity are spot-on. I'm pinning the Tren enanthate every day just for stable bloods and I do not mind daily injections. I tolerate tren well so no sides except looking like I was carved out of granite. I will continue on with the Tren E from other vials I have laying around

Mar 16, 2021 (06:46)

Been using BD gear for years now and always had great results. Currently 8 wks on test cyp and tren e. Sweatin like a mofo and loving the drive.

Stuck with them through the brief shutdown and will keep with them. My go to source!

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