Mastabol 200

Mastabol 200

150.00 USD

For Intramuscular Injection
Composition: Drostanolone Enanthate
Dosage: 200 mg/1 mL
Unit: 10 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

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U.S. Domestic

Mastabol 200 Detailed

Name: Mastabol 200
Other common names and terms: Drostaprogen, Mastodex, Mastabol, Mastebolin, Masteron, Pharma Dro P, Lixus Mast, Masto, Mast, Mastaplex,Masteroxyl, Drostanolone, Dromostanolone, Mastabolic
Active Life: 8 Days
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Detection Time: 24 Days
Chemical Structure: 2alpha-methyl-androstan-3-one-17beta-ol
Common Doses: 400-600 mg/week
Blood pressure: No
Acne: Yes
Water retention: No
Aromatisation: No
Liver toxicity: Low
Decrease HPTA function: Yes

A distinctive feature of the Mastabol 200, which belongs to many known AAS drugs, is its excellent androgenic activity. It should also be noted that when this agent is used, it is possible to reduce the intensity of aromatisation, therefore it is often used as a binding component for aromatase. Such features of the drug are confirmed not only by scientific research, but also by British Dragon Pharma's Mastabol 200 reviews.

The product is popular among athletes who prefer it during cutting. During this period, it is very important to obtain adequate protection of the muscles from catabolic processes, which is what happens with this drug. For these reasons, many bodybuilders want to buy Mastabol 200 in the USA, as it guarantees an excellent effect.

Main Effects

When used, the risk of conversion of female hormones is excluded, which is also called aromatisation. The load on the liver during the use of a pharmacological medication is reduced to the limit. It is produced in the form of injections, and the effect on the body is observed for 2-3 days from the moment of use. The duration of the detection of the drug in the body during doping tests is no more than 14 days, which allows you to use the drug before performances.

By using this drug in the recommended doses, it will be easy for an athlete to achieve amazing muscle shape. It will be as tough and dry as possible, and free of fat. An equally important point is a significant increase in the physical strength of a bodybuilder. This drug copes well with burning body fat. It demonstrates the qualities of an inhibitor by holding down aromatase.

Mastabol 200 Cycle

The actual dosage of this drug assumes the use of no more than 0.6 grams per week. At the same time, the injection of the drug into the body should occur two days after the last dose. Safe Mastabol 200 cycle lasts up to 10 weeks, you should not exceed the established duration. It is contraindicated to use this drug by women, as it has a high androgenic effect. To get the maximum result, it is necessary to combine this drug intake with other AAS.

Most bodybuilders achieve maximum performance from the concomitant use of Mastabol 200 with Testabol Depot. As a result, it is possible to quickly gain a large amount of mass. If it is necessary to undergo cutting, then Mastabol 200 should be taken together with Trenabol 100 or Primobol.


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