Testabol Depot

Testabol Depot

48.00 USD

For Intramuscular Injection
Composition: Testosterone Cypionate
Dosage: 250 mg/1 mL
Unit: 10 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Shipping From:
U.S. Domestic

Testabol Depot Detailed

Name: Testabol Depot
Other common names and terms: Cypiobolic, Cyte X, Cypionat, Cyp, Cypio-Test, Cyponit, Virilon, Cypionax, Testex, Testodex, Testocyp, Tcypion, Test Cyp, Testaplex, Cypoject, Testosterona, Testabol,Testoxyl, Pharma Test C, Depo-Testosterone
Active Life: 15-16 Days
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Detection Time: 3 Months
Chemical Structure: (17ΠžΠ†)-3-Oxoandrost-4-en-17-yl 3-cyclopentylpropanoate
Common Doses: 50-200 mg/week
Blood pressure: Perhaps
Acne: Yes
Water retention: Yes
Aromatisation: Yes
Liver toxicity: No
Decrease HPTA function: Severe

Testabol Depot 250 by British Dragon: A Comprehensive Guide

Testabol Depot 250 is a highly popular injectable steroid in the USA, known for its "long" testosterone ester. Produced by British Dragon Pharma, this testosterone-based steroid closely resembles Testosterone Enanthate in its effects, making it a preferred choice among domestic bodybuilders. It delivers powerful anabolic and androgenic properties and provides reliable results for building muscle mass.

Key Effects of Testabol Depot 250

  • Anabolic and Androgenic Activity: Testabol Depot offers 100% testosterone activity, working effectively for 15-16 days after administration.
  • DHT Conversion: The steroid has a strong conversion rate to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), contributing to its effectiveness in promoting muscle strength.
  • Low Hepatotoxicity: Unlike many other steroids, Testabol Depot has minimal liver toxicity.
  • Water Retention: While it promotes substantial gains in muscle mass, it can lead to mild water retention.
  • Increased Red Blood Cell Production: It enhances oxygen transportation in the blood by increasing red blood cell count.
  • Positive Nitrogen Balance: The steroid creates a favorable nitrogen balance, improving protein metabolism and muscle recovery.
  • Improved Libido and Fertility: Testabol Depot is known for increasing sexual desire and promoting quality spermatogenesis.

Note: Users should anticipate mild muscle loss post-cycle, which is a natural effect of testosterone-based steroids. Strength and endurance levels may also decline slightly during recovery.

Testabol Depot Cycle Guidelines

Solo Cycle

  • Injection Frequency: 1-2 times per week.
  • Recommended Dosage: 200-500 mg/week.
  • Duration: 8-10 weeks.
  • Post Cycle Therapy (PCT): Start with Clomiphene or Tamoxifen to restore natural testosterone production. For optimal recovery, use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) starting 3-4 weeks before PCT.

Combination Cycles

  • With Oral Turanabol:
    • Dosage: 40 mg of Turanabol daily.
    • Effect: Promotes clean muscle gains and minimizes water retention.
  • With Stanabol Tablets:
    • Effect: Enhances strength and muscle quality significantly.
  • Managing Estrogenic Effects: To prevent estrogen-related side effects (e.g., gynecomastia), start Mesterolone (50 mg daily) from the second week of the cycle.

Potential Side Effects

While Testabol Depot is highly effective, improper use can result in unwanted side effects, including:

  • Estrogenic Side Effects: Gynecomastia, water retention, and nipple sensitivity.
    • Prevention: Use aromatase inhibitors like Anastrozole or Tamoxifen to manage estrogen levels.
  • Androgenic Side Effects: Acne, oily skin, hair loss, and increased body hair.
    • Cause: High DHT conversion.
  • Blood Pressure Issues: Potential blood pressure spikes due to water retention and red blood cell increase.

Solution: Adhering to a carefully structured cycle and monitoring dosages can significantly reduce the risk of these side effects.

Why Choose Testabol Depot 250?

Testabol Depot 250 is ideal for athletes looking for significant muscle mass gains and strength improvement. It provides reliable results with proper cycle management and PCT, making it one of the most trusted testosterone esters available in the market.

Bottom Line: Testabol Depot 250 by British Dragon Pharma is a proven solution for bodybuilders striving to gain quality muscle and improve performance. Proper usage, cycle planning, and post-cycle care can ensure exceptional results while minimizing potential side effects.


Testabol Depot Reviews
Joshua Wilson
Sep 13, 2024 (10:30)

Testabol Depot accelerated my muscle growth and gave me more energy to power through tough workouts. Highly recommend!

Ethan Parker
Aug 30, 2024 (12:45)

British Dragon's Testabol Depot has given me a tremendous strength boost. My muscles are more defined and have grown significantly.

David Brown
Aug 16, 2024 (13:20)

I've gained a lot of lean muscle while maintaining my energy levels and stamina with Testabol Depot. It’s been fantastic for my training.

James Anderson
Aug 2, 2024 (09:55)

Testabol Depot has been instrumental in my fitness journey, delivering consistent gains in muscle mass and cutting my recovery time.

Jacob Scott
Jul 19, 2024 (15:05)

With British Dragon's Testabol Depot, my strength has increased steadily, and my muscle size continues to improve with each training session.

Andrew Martinez
Jul 5, 2024 (17:15)

I'm thrilled with the results from Testabol Depot. My endurance is higher, and my muscles have a more defined, fuller look.

Christopher Robinson
Jun 21, 2024 (11:30)

Testabol Depot increased my muscle mass and strength while reducing my recovery time. It's an essential part of my routine now.

Joshua Thompson
Jun 7, 2024 (13:10)

British Dragon's Testabol Depot is a game-changer. My physique is leaner, and my muscle definition has improved significantly.

Daniel Johnson
May 24, 2024 (16:20)

Since using Testabol Depot, my energy levels are through the roof, and my workouts have become more productive. Recovery has also improved.

Michael Wilson
May 10, 2024 (14:45)

Testabol Depot gave me an excellent boost in strength and muscle mass. I've been able to push through plateaus with consistent gains.

Aug 24, 2021 (14:57)

I have been using the BD test cyp 250 for my testosterone replacement therapy. I use 100mg, twice a week. This test cyp has worked well to keep my levels balanced and in check.

Aug 16, 2021 (11:05)

Top quality stuff as the all the reviews attest. Did a blood test after three weeks and my levels were right where I wanted them.

Aug 15, 2021 (08:32)

We all know signs of good test and trust me they were there ..around the 3 week mark I started noticing a dramatic increase of strength and size ..running 650 MG a week Γ·2 ..anavar made my pumps insane really started noticing a good vascular look as well...started at 50 MG daily but bumped up to 75 with I found is my sweet spot.

Aug 12, 2021 (20:41)

The test is the real deal here. I could feel it kicking in. My strengths increased and am up 15 pounds so far.

Aug 12, 2021 (18:31)

The cyp was legit i gained quite a bit of clean weight as well as some water but my strength went through the roof. I only took 1cc every 5 days very basic cycle.

Apr 21, 2021 (12:53)

First pin for the Test Cyp was about 1.5 weeks after the first pin of prop. Wrapped up my short ester cycle and cruising at 250mg test cyp a week now. Once again, no pip. Strength is still up. Lost a tiny bit of definition, but it seems that I am the only one who has noticed it. Probably just a bit of water retention.

A really great source cant go wrong with BD

Jan 30, 2021 (06:37)

The BD test cyp is awesome. No pip. Just got my bloodwork back and I am a happy man.

Please log in to write Testabol Depot review.

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