Trenabol Hexa 100

Trenabol Hexa 100

130.00 USD

For Intramuscular Injection
Composition: Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Dosage: 100 mg/1 mL
Unit: 10 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

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U.S. Domestic

Trenabol Hexa 100 Detailed

Name: Trenabol Hexa 100
Other common names and terms: Finarex Depot, Trenodex, Tritren, Parabolic, Parabolin, Pharma Tren H, Trebol, Trinaxyl, Trenoid, Trenabol Depot, Tren, Trenaplex, Trenatrex, Parabolan, Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate, Androxine, Finbolan Hexa,Trenboxyl, Tranabol
Active Life: 6 Days
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester; Progestogen
Detection Time: 4-5 Months
Chemical Structure: Cyclohexylmethyl (17ΠžΠ†)-3-oxoestra-4,9,11-trien-17-yl carbonate
Common Doses: 200-600 mg/week
Blood pressure: No
Acne: Rarely
Water retention: Yes
Aromatisation: No
Liver toxicity: Yes
Decrease HPTA function: Moderate to Severe

This injectable steroid drug, the key component of which is trenbolone ester with the complex name hexahydrobenzyl carbonate, has established itself on the pharmaceutical market as a product with pronounced anabolic and moderately strong androgenic qualities. Initially, Parabolan found its usage in the field of veterinary medicine - as a drug to increase the appetite of animals and increase their muscles. It is used in any sports disciplines where excellent physical fitness is an important factor in achieving success - bodybuilding, powerlifting, martial arts. Experts advise not to use this steroid for beginners and women. For the first, there is a great risk of developing side effects, for the second - the phenomenon of virilization.

Main Effects

Today, many professional athletes strive to buy Trenabol Hexa 100 in the USA. The ester of this steroid, getting into the muscle structure, guarantees the gradual penetration of the key working component into the blood. The drug is not prone to aromatisation, but it is endowed with a pronounced anabolic property. Which, in the case of misuse of the steroid, causes unpleasant side effects.

The effect after the cycle consists in a rapid build-up of high-quality muscles (up to 10 kg per course), an increase in physical strength and endurance of any athlete, delicate removal of fat cells, and a doubling of the special insulin-like growth factor. There is also a noticeable stimulation of the production of growth hormone at a high level, and sexual desire increases. To avoid its sharp fall after the course, Clomiphene and gonadotropin should be administered.

Trenabol Hexa 100 Cycle

The solo cycle normally lasts 6 weeks. It can be increased after consulting a doctor on an individual basis with the mandatory parallel intake of gonadotropin. The dosage of the latter in this case is 500 - 1000 IU. You can divide the weekly dose of British Dragon's Trenabol Hexa into 2 injections, the recommended dosage is 100 - 300 mg. PCT is carried out within 2 weeks after the end of the solo cycle. During the cycle, in addition to gonadotropin, cabergoline may be required.

Although in order to increase the muscles, athletes often take this drug without a combination with others, for the best effect, you can combine it with Stanabol, Oxanabol, Primobol, Boldabol, Methanabol, Oxydrol, Testabol Depot. Combined cycles are selected together with a specialist.

Side Effects

Having decided to use Trenabol Hexa 100, the price of which is quite high, it is worth knowing about the consequences of taking this steroid. Estrogenic reactions, as a rule, do not appear, and androgenic side effects are rare. Among the undesirable effects on the part of the body, one can name hair loss on the head, the appearance of acne, an increase in the normal level of pressure, sleep disturbances, a decrease in libido, aggression incomprehensible even to the athlete himself. Most often, it does not disrupt the liver or affects it moderately.

Experienced athletes know that it is normal for urine to change its natural color to red on a cycle. This is just a depletion of metabolites, and not a signal that the kidneys are dysfunctional.


Trenabol Hexa 100 Reviews
Aug 11, 2021 (06:46)

the product is all awesome. Slight PIP at first from the Tren H, but it went away after about 3 weeks. I did a 12 week cycle of Test C, and 10 weeks of Masteron and Tren H. I also ran HCG throughout whole cycle. My nuts never shrank on the HCG and my recovery was flawless. I didnt shut down whatsoever from the Tren H all thanks to the HCG.

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