Sustabol 350

Sustabol 350

60.00 USD

For Intramuscular Injection
- Testosterone Propionate 42 mg
- Testosterone Phenylropionate 84 mg
- Testosterone Isocaproate 84 mg
- Testosterone Decanoate 140 mg
Mixed Dosage: 350 mg/1 mL
Unit: 10 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Shipping From:
U.S. Domestic

Sustabol 350 Detailed

Name: Sustabol 350
Other common names and terms: Andropen, Estandron, Hexadex, Pharma Sust,Sustaxyl, Pentadex, Induject, Omnis, Testosteron Mix,Super-Test, Sustanon, Sustrone, Gonadon, Sustamed, Omnadren
Active Life: 7-8 Days
Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Detection Time: 3 Months
Chemical Structure: -
Common Doses: 250 mg/week
Blood pressure: Perhaps
Acne: Yes
Water retention: Yes
Aromatisation: Yes
Liver toxicity: No
Decrease HPTA function: High

This highly effective mix, consisting of such types of testosterone as propionate in the amount of 42 mg, isocaproate and phenylpropionate - in 84 mg each, as well as decanoate - in the amount of 140 mg. One of the best types of steroid is produced by British Dragon company from Thailand. The positive effect after a cycle with such a potent androgenic and anabolic steroid, made on an oil basis, was appreciated not only by USA bodybuilders, but also by representatives of other sports disciplines. Initially, Sustabol 350 was used in medicine to stimulate the production of gonadotropin in men, to treat tumors and in the postmenopausal period in women.

Main Effects

Due to the fact that each form has its own period of exposure, a consistently high level of hormones in the blood is achieved. To buy Sustabol 350 many athletes want British Dragon in the USA. Since it does not require frequent injections, and the maximum concentration of the active substance occurs on 10th day. Since every form of testosterone is prone to aromatisation, this steroid keeps nitrogen and water from leaving the muscle tissue. It has an anabolic and androgenic index in the amount of 100% of testosterone, is not toxic to the liver, temporarily inhibits the work of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicles axis, is found during laboratory tests for up to 3 months.

This product helps the athlete to quickly gain optimal weight for quality workouts and performances, which becomes possible due to accelerated protein synthesis and water retention inside the body. It also provides oxygen at the proper level, an increase in muscle strength and endurance, a solid increase in muscle mass, increases the number of red blood cells in the blood, improves appetite, mood and general health of the athlete. An additional plus is an increase in libido on the cycle. Experts do not advise women to use this steroid, because otherwise they will face the phenomenon of virilization.

Sustabol 350 Cycle

The solo cycle implies 2 injections per week in the amount of 350 - 700 mg of the drug. The recommended duration is 6 - 8 weeks. If the pros wish to use this steroid for more than 8 weeks, experts insist on the administration of gonadotropin. From the second week, you need to use aromatase inhibitors and use them for another 2 weeks after the end of the solo cycle.

If the goal is to gain weight, it is advised to use this drug in conjunction with Methanabol and Decabol, for a better mass with Turanabol. This cycle lasts no more than 6 weeks. In parallel, in order to avoid side effects, Pregnyl and Mesterolone are administered. If you need to increase physical strength, this drug is combined with Turanabol and Boldabol. The duration is 6 to 8 weeks. PCT after a solo cycle includes Proviron and HCG.

Side Effects

When taking aromatase inhibitors and drugs to stimulate the production of your own testosterone at the end of the cycle, you can really minimize the risk of side effects. Otherwise, those who have decided to use British Dragon Pharma's Sustabol may face such sides as gynecomastia, acne, baldness, edema, prostate problems, nervousness, aggressiveness, depression and some others.


Sustabol 350 Reviews
Jul 3, 2024 (20:16)

After researching and finally trying Sustabol 350, I'm impressed by the balance it offers. It's a well-rounded blend that supports my goals perfectly.

Jun 25, 2024 (21:20)

Sustabol 350 has helped me push past plateaus and achieve new personal bests. It’s a powerful tool in my arsenal, with visible results.

Jun 19, 2024 (13:17)

Four cycles in with Sustabol 350, and it's become my go-to. Consistent quality and performance enhancement without harsh side effects.

Jun 5, 2024 (06:48)

I appreciate how Sustabol 350 maintains my testosterone levels more evenly than single ester formulations. It's a game changer for my training.

May 25, 2024 (09:19)

Sustabol 350 by British Dragon is the real deal. It's been crucial in my preparation for competitions, offering that extra edge I need.

May 17, 2024 (21:57)

This was my first time trying a testosterone blend, and Sustabol 350 didn't disappoint. Noticeable differences in both physique and performance.

May 7, 2024 (22:13)

As someone meticulous about what I use, Sustabol 350 has met all my expectations. Great blend, leading to steady gains without the rollercoaster of side effects.

Apr 28, 2024 (00:15)

Been on Sustabol 350 for 8 weeks now. The results speak for themselves – solid muscle growth and enhanced endurance. Side effects are manageable with proper care.

Apr 19, 2024 (10:38)

Switched to Sustabol 350 recently and noticed a significant improvement in my recovery times. Top-quality product from British Dragon.

Apr 4, 2024 (13:21)

Sustabol 350 has been a staple in my regimen for the past few months. Remarkable gains in strength and size. Highly recommend!

Sep 8, 2022 (10:13)

The bd sustabol was what I expected and gained 15 pound of lean mass accompanied with the oxanabol and body fat dropped from 10% to 7%. These products are top notch and just as good as their dragon pharma line.

Jun 17, 2022 (11:31)

Ran the Sust 350 at two cc a week for a total of 700mg per wk. Also ran the Deca 300 at two cc a wk. It took about 4 wks before I started to feel and notice results which is to be expected. After that first month everything went from 0 to 100 in no time! My pumps and lifts went threw the roof. Just when I thought I was gassed out i was able to get those extra few reps which we all know are the ones that really count. My appetite had increased as well. I was able to put down five meals a day without any discomfort. My sex drive was threw the roof and put some miles on the old lady over these last few months lol. In the end i put on 8 pounds off good lean muscle. I could have put on more but I kept my diet at a low carb/high protein diet. I wasn't wanting to blow up to much.

Aug 23, 2021 (08:17)

The Sustabol 350 is a game changer. A lot of people are turned away from this product that was once big in the 80's but I say screw that. I dont want to have to juggle with multiple products so the blend of test that is found in the sustabol is perfect for me. It is a blend of test prop. (fast acting/fast diminishing) test deconate (slowly built up in system and stays longer) and test cyp (medium acting / slower to diminish) This is perfect for the average guy looking for strength, pumps, endurance, bulk, and libido without having to use multiple products.
My friend and I both have been using the sustabol 350 injectable for 8 weeks now. We have both realized great gains. My friend started the cycle weighing 120 lbs. (he's a small guy) He now weighs 143 lbs. and has noted considerable stamina and strength increases. I myself have noticed an overall mass increase as I no longer fit into some of my favorite clothes. My thighs have grown to the point where my size 34 pants fit in the waist but I can hardly fit my legs in. I tried to wear a shirt to a show last night and couldnt because it was too tight after buttoning up. Another GREAT benefit of the Sust is the increased libido. I Fuck like a champ and last a lot longer. For a guy getting into his late 30's Its important to feel young in the bedroom. I love it and will continue to purchase this product

Aug 11, 2021 (06:11)

The BD Sustabol was by far the fastest acting test I have ever ran. I was seeing visible gains the first week, that's insane. I stacked it with BD D-bol to jump start my cycle the first 4 weeks. The last 8 weeks I cycled in DP oral Tren, and it really made my gains and strength go through the rough. I was being asked every day at the gym what I was taking, People were honestly telling me I was an inspiration to them, and all I could do was smile, and refer them to the stuff I was taking.

Mar 3, 2021 (06:11)

Before Cycle: 200lbs @ 10% bf

Current stats 4 weeks in: 211lbs @ 9% bf I wanted to write the review 4 weeks into my cycle.

I've been pinning every third day. at an average of 735mg of test a week with .5mg of anastrozole every other day Results have been better than expected: up 10lbs and looking leaner.

best pumps of my life.

energy is amazing.

recovery is incredible. ittle to no water retention. No Sides at all so far. Already planning my next order.

Feb 23, 2021 (07:49)

The product quality on the Brtish Dragon is excellent, hands-down one of the best testosterone out there in terms of human grade quality. I'm currently taking 700mg/week and it has been over 3 weeks already and can feel the strength increase, changes in my physique, and I've already gained 8lbs while maintaining a low bodyfat %.

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