I'm a big fan of BD! Love the product if the week deals. Great way to get a good back stock for a kick ass cycle.
Customer Support
BD always gets right back to me when ever ihave a concern. In all honesty, the concerns are always caused by me. Lol
Shipping Speed
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Shipping Speed
Absolutely love the Sustabol 350 at around 700mg wk...and so does the old lady.lol. Feeling strong, healthy, and horny! Smooth run zero pip after getting used to ester. Decabol I use at low for joints 250mg wk...no complaints feeling good. T3 is burning fat. I'm making some serious strength gains but weight is down. I give t3 the credit! Ultrabol ill have to write review on later saving that for next cycle. BD is the boss! Jump on these wkly product specials today!
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I'm a big fan of BD! Love the product if the week deals. Great way to get a good back stock for a kick ass cycle.