There's a reason these guys have been around so long and are ranked so high
Customer Support
Didn't need to communicate much but the communication that was done was quick and informative.
Shipping Speed
Everything was tight and discreet. Arrived in 7 days way sooner than I expected.
Shipping Speed
The clen had me shaking like a leaf as expected. I dropped 6lbs in the two weeks I was on. I put on 17lbs in the month I was on at 50mg Ed. Looking a little squishy at the end but I love this stuff so I deal with it. I'm only taking the T3 at 25mcg Ed to keep my thyroid in check while on hgh and Tren. All around great experience working with them.
To order products from us, you have to be at least 21 years of age. takes no responsibility for confirming the importation requirements and regulations of the purchase and the purchaser's country of origin. All products are shipped at the full risk of the purchaser in agreement of our site reserved towards any legal action that might be brought against the purchaser if not acting in accordance with the regulations and importation laws of the destination country.
There's a reason these guys have been around so long and are ranked so high