For Subqutaneous Injection
Composition: Somatropin (r-hGH)
Dosage: 10 IU/vial
Unit: 10 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Name: Somatotrobol 10 IU
Other common names and terms: Somatropin, Zomacton, Kigtropin, Humatrope, SimpleXx, Pharmatropin, Norditropin, Ansomon, Taitropin, Ansomone, Glotropin, Kefei, Nutropin, Norditropin, Hygetropin,Jintropin, Tev-Tropin, Jintropine, Riptropin, Zorbtive, Kalpatropin
Active Life: 2.5-3 Days
Drug Class: Growth Hormone Analog
Detection Time: N/A
Chemical Structure: -
Common Doses: 4-10 IU/day
Blood pressure: No
Acne: No
Water retention: No
Aromatisation: No
Liver toxicity: No
Decrease HPTA function: None
Somatotrobol is a growth hormone made by British Dragon Pharma whose main task is to activate protein synthesis and lipolysis. Simply said, under the influence of this drug, the body uses fat as fuel, not protein.
A steroid will become an irreplaceable assistant in the matter of burning fat, increasing muscle mass, improving health, joints and ligaments. For all these wonderful effects on the body, it is so loved in bodybuilding.
As a drug, Somatotrobol is prescribed to children to activate their growth, since this drug has a positive effect on the growth of all body tissues.
This drug very rarely has any side effects. Often they are caused by an overdose or individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
However, you should monitor your health and thyroid function if you are taking this drug. It will help you to normalize the balance of substrates in the body, which will lead to the active growth of all tissues.
This drug is used by many athletes, and its high price does not bother them, since its quality and effectiveness are beyond doubt. It helps to strengthen bones, tendons and joints, which leads to a decrease in the likelihood of injury during training.
Its cost limits the range of users, only real experienced professionals can afford to buy Somatotrobol in the USA for a whole cycle.
Under no circumstances should you buy a drug at a suspiciously low price, the use of such a product can be very hazardous to health. After the cycle, the achieved result remains for a long time. If you are taking British Dragon Pharma's Somatotrobol, make sure that your workout is not painful, otherwise the properties of the drug will be noticeably reduced.
As a rule, athletes take 10 IU (international units) per day. If you find some side effects, then take this drug every other day. To calculate the optimal individual dose, follow the rule: 0.6 IU per kg of body weight per week.
This amount should be broken down into several steps. For example, take it three times a week. The cycle should be extended to six weeks, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the required results. In order to get exactly the body that you dreamed of, the cycle should be from two to three months.
This drug does not have a sufficient number of scientifically substantiated reviews; reviews are mainly written by those who have already taken the drug themselves. Most of the negative reviews appear due to the fact that not everyone takes Somatotrobol correctly.
If you do not follow the dosage and recommendations for the use of growth hormone, you may encounter not only side effects, but also the absence of any effect at all.
The most common side effects are high blood pressure, thyroid malfunction, accumulation and retention of excess water in the body, etc.
Often all of these effects are the result of an overdose, so it is best to keep track of how much of the drug you are taking and not increase the dose. If you are allergic to the components of the drug, then you may encounter such phenomena as rash and itching.
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For Subcutaneous Injection
Composition: Somatropin (r-hGH)
Dosage: 10 IU/vial
Unit: 1 Kit [10 Vials]
Form: Powder
Manufactured by Dragon Pharma
Laboratory Test: View Lab Report
Sep 13, 2024 (14:50)
British Dragon's Somatotrobol HGH improved my muscle endurance, allowing me to handle longer, more intense workouts.