For Oral Administration
Composition: Methandrostanolone
Dosage: 20 mg/tablet
Unit: 100 Tablets
Manufactured by Dragon Pharma
Laboratory Test: View Lab Report
Name: Dianabol 20
Other common names and terms: Methacaps, Danabol, Dianabolos, Trinergic, Methandrostenolone, Metabolina, Methanoplex, Methanabol, Naposim, Nabolin, Methanodex,Metandienone, Dianoxyl, Metandiabol, Metastenol, Dianabolic, Danabol DS, Dbirol, D-bol, Pronabol, Nerobil, Andoredan, Encephan, Metanabol, Dbol, Metaboline, Restauvit, Lanabolin, Anabol, Methandienone, GP Methan, Methafurin, Nerobol, Perbolin, Stenolon, Dianabol
Active Life: 3.2-4.5 Hours
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Detection Time: 5-6 Weeks
Chemical Structure: 17О±-Methyl-17ОІ-hydroxyandrost-1,4-dien-3-one
Common Doses: 20 mg/day
Blood pressure: Yes
Acne: Yes
Water retention: High
Aromatisation: High
Liver toxicity: Yes
Decrease HPTA function: None
Dianabol - a drug for building muscle mass, development of strength and endurance, is in great demand, both in experienced athletes and newbies. The main form of the drug is pills, however, some manufacturers make it in capsules.
This is a fairly effective drug that is based on Methandrostanolone, and is an anabolic steroid. You can buy Dianabol at our online store, where various types of steroids are presented. Due to the action of this drug, muscle mass significantly increases, the bones of the skeleton are strengthened and immunity increases. Athletes that use Dbol are able to withstand significant loads, and increase the strengths by 40%.
Due to the usage of D-ball, many athletes have achieved high indicators and results. In addition to the extension of muscle mass, this drug contributes to the absorption of protein and by strengthening immunity.
Due to the activation of such a substance, such as glycogenolysis, there is a rapid increase in muscle mass. Protein synthesis helps glycogenolysis, and as a result of this tandem, muscle hypertrophy occurs.
When taking this drug, the appetite is significantly enhanced, which contributes to an increase in the power parameters.
Fat deposits are combined quite effectively, and joints and bones are strengthened. This drug has an anti-catabolic effect.
It should be noted that the anabolic activity of this drug is twice as high as of Testosterone. At the same time, androgenic activity, two times lower. This drug has moderate toxicity for the liver, as well as not a high degree of conversion in estrogens.
This drug should be taken in accordance with the recommendations specified in the instructions.
For persons under 21 years old, it is not recommended using this drug, as it is not yet a strengthened organism, may lose the ability to resist side effects. Also, Dragon Pharma's Dianabol is not recommended for those who are suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as well as kidney and liver disease.
For daily reception, the normal dosage is 30 mg, which should be taken within a day several times. Such a "crushing" allows you to avoid excessive impact on the liver and the heart. To achieve the best result, the Dianabol should not be taken on an empty stomach. Starting the cycle should be with 10 mg of the drug, gradually increasing it, and bringing the cycle during the week to the recommended 30 mg.
When the cycle have ended, you should not forget about sports nutrition, because the effect in the complex will be particularly significant. By the same way, the boosters like tribulus will save the form and after the end of the reception, and avoid unwanted "kickbacks."
Water retention, load on liver and gynecomastia are the most common side effects when taking Dianabol. These diseases are a consequence of the excess of the recommended doses, therefore strict adherence to the prescription - the obligatory rule of the Dianabol cycle.
Also, the manifestation of side effects can be caused by the individual characteristics of the body, since each person perceives the action of the steroids in different ways. Dianabol well interacts with Anavar, Propionate and Winstrol, which allows to significantly increase the power indicators. For the growth of muscle mass, it is better to take in a stack with Deca 300, Enanthate and Sustanon.
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For Oral Administration
Composition: Oxandrolone
Dosage: 10 mg/tablet
Unit: 100 Tablets
Manufactured by Dragon Pharma
Laboratory Test: View Lab Report
For Oral Administration
Composition: Oxandrolone
Dosage: 50 mg/tablet
Unit: 100 Tablets
Manufactured by Dragon Pharma
Laboratory Test: View Lab Report
For Oral Administration
Composition: Methandrostanolone
Dosage: 50 mg/tablet
Unit: 100 Tablets
Manufactured by Dragon Pharma
Laboratory Test: View Lab Report
For Oral Administration
Composition: Fluoxymesterone
Dosage: 10 mg/tablet
Unit: 100 Tablets
Manufactured by Dragon Pharma
Laboratory Test: View Lab Report
Sep 13, 2024 (10:25)
Dianabol 20 has proven to be a great choice for muscle growth and increased endurance. I’ve gained lean muscle mass and can handle more intense workouts.