Arimidex 2 mg

Arimidex 2 mg

199.00 USD
For Oral Administration
Composition: Anastrozole
Dosage: 2 mg/tablet
Unit: 100 Tablets
Manufactured by Ordinary Steroids USA
Shipping From:
U.S. Domestic

Arimidex 2 mg Detailed

Name: Arimidex 2 mg
Other common names and terms: N/A
Active Life: N/A
Drug Class: Aromatase Inhibitor
Detection Time: N/A
Chemical Structure: N/A
Common Doses: N/A
Blood pressure: N/A
Acne: N/A
Water retention: N/A
Aromatisation: N/A
Liver toxicity: N/A
Decrease HPTA function: N/A

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