PEPTIDES (44 Offers)

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Only US Domestic
AOD 9604 5mg
Dragon Pharma, Europe

For Subcutaneous Injection
Composition: AOD9604
Dosage: 5 mg/vial
Unit: 2 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by Dragon Pharma

Out of stock
Only US Domestic
GHK-CU 10mg
Dragon Pharma, Europe

For Subqutaneous Injection
Composition: GHK-CU
Dosage: 10 mg/vial
Unit: 10 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by Dragon Pharma

Out of stock
Dragon Pharma, Europe

For Subqutaneous Injection
Composition: Human Menopausal Gonadotropin
Dosage: 150 IU/vial
Unit: 2 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by Dragon Pharma

Out of stock
Only US Domestic
MOTS-C 10mg
Dragon Pharma, Europe

For Subqutaneous Injection
Composition: MOTS-C
Dosage: 10 mg/vial
Unit: 10 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by Dragon Pharma

Out of stock
NovoRapid FlexPen
NovoNordisk, Turkey
For Subqutaneous Injection
Composition: Insulin Aspart
Dosage: 100 U/1 mL
Unit: 1 kit [5 x 3 mL Cartridges] (100 U/mL)
Manufactured by Novo Nordisk
Out of stock
Menodac 75 IU
Zydus Healthcare
For Subqutaneous Injection
Composition: Human Menopausal Gonadotropin
Dosage: 75 IU/1 mL
Unit: 1 mL Ampoule
Manufactured by Zydus Healthcare
Out of stock
Eprex 2000 IU
Janssen Cilag, Belgium
For Subqutaneous Injection
Composition: Erythropoietin
Dosage: 2000 IU/0.5 1 mL
Unit: 1 kit [6 Prefilled Syringes] (2000 IU/0.5 mL)
Manufactured by Janssen Cilag
Out of stock
Eprex 3000 IU
Janssen Cilag, Belgium
For Subqutaneous Injection
Composition: Erythropoietin
Dosage: 3000 IU/0.3 1 mL
Unit: 1 kit [6 Prefilled Syringes] (3000 IU/0.3 mL)
Manufactured by Janssen Cilag
Out of stock
Eprex 4000 IU
Janssen Cilag, Belgium
For Subqutaneous Injection
Composition: Erythropoietin
Dosage: 4000 IU/0.4 1 mL
Unit: 1 kit [6 Prefilled Syringes] (4000 IU/0.4 mL)
Manufactured by Janssen Cilag
Out of stock
Merional HMG 75 IU
IBSA, Turkey
For Subqutaneous Injection
Composition: Human Menopausal Gonadotropin
Dosage: 75 IU/1 mL
Unit: 1 mL Ampoule
Manufactured by IBSA
Out of stock
Merional HMG 150 IU
IBSA, Turkey
For Subqutaneous Injection
Composition: Human Menopausal Gonadotropin
Dosage: 75 IU/1 mL
Unit: 1 mL Ampoule
Manufactured by IBSA
Out of stock
Only US Domestic
Ozempic 1 mg
NovoNordisk, Turkey
For Subqutaneous Injection
Composition: Semaglutide
Dosage: 1 mg Π²Π‚β€œ 4 doses
Unit: 1 Pen (1 mg Π²Π‚β€œ 4 doses)
Manufactured by Novo Nordisk
Out of stock
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