Ventolin Syrup

Ventolin Syrup

For Intramuscular Injection
Composition: Salbutamol
Dosage: 2 mg / 5 1 mL
Unit: 1 Bottle (2 mg / 5 mL)
Manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline
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Ventolin Syrup Detailed

Name: Ventolin Syrup
Other common names and terms: Sultanol, Volmax, Proventil, Ventolin,Albuterol
Active Life: 6 Hours
Drug Class: ОІ2-Adrenergic Agonist
Detection Time: N/A
Chemical Structure: 2-t-Butylamino-1-(4-hydroxy-3-hydroxy-3-hydroxymethyl)phenylethanol
Common Doses: 100-200 mcg/day
Blood pressure: No
Acne: No
Water retention: No
Aromatisation: No
Liver toxicity: Very low
Decrease HPTA function: None

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